Gynecology - Fakih Fertility Center
  • العربية
  • Gynecology

    Fakih IVF Fertility Center’s medical team includes experts in Obstetrics, Gynecology, Infertility, Fetal Medicine and many more. The education and extensive experience of our physicians allows Fakih Fertiltiy Center to provide unparalleled health care service in the United Arab Emirates.

    You should consider visiting an Obstetrician/Gynecologist if you are experiencing any of the following:

    • Heavy vaginal bleeding for 7-8 days or more
    • Vaginal discharge with bad smell, fever or pelvic pain
    • Menstruation that occurs less than every 21 days or more than every 35 days
    • Missed periods, especially if you are sexually active
    • Pain in your lower abdomen or genital area
    • You are 16 and have not had a menstrual cycle
    • You would like to begin taking birth control
    • You are pregnant
    • Vaginal bleeding or pelvic pain while pregnant
    • Bleeding after intercourse
    • Post-menopausal bleeding
    • Planning to get pregnant

    To discuss your complete medical health with a physician or to have any questions answered, book an appointment with a Fakih IVF Fertility Center gynecologist today.