Movember: Men’s Health Issues Behind the Moustaches
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Movember is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of men. This month’s commitment takes on three serious issues facing men’s health – prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. It encourages men to grow mustaches during the month of November to raise funds and awareness for men’s health.
Reproductive health is an important component of men’s overall health, hormonal health and fertility. The possible direct causes for males infertility include: Damage to the testicles because of disease or trauma, ejaculation problems, low levels of testosterone, a sperm blockage, low sperm count, decreased sperm mobility.
If you have been trying to conceive naturally for over a year without success, you should do a sperm analysis. This analysis involves checking a sample of semen measure number of sperm, shape and Sperm motility and Vitality.

Prostate cancer is one of the most Common male reproductive health disorders. Once the prostate is removed a man no longer has the ability to make semen or ejaculate semen, so infertility is an unavoidable and permanent consequence of surgery.
Infertility has been linked to the types of chronic prostatitis that cause white blood cells to mix with sperm. That means chronic bacterial prostatitis
Men with low-risk, slow-growing prostate cancer may be able to avoid infertility by choosing surveillance.
As for testicular cancer, it can cause changes in your testosterone levels as well as genetic damage to sperm cells—both of which make it harder to conceive.
Most men have cancer in one testicle and it is removed to treat their cancer. For most of these men it won’t affect their ability to have children. But for some men their remaining testicle might not work so well and this could reduce their fertility.
Some men have cancer in both testicles and both are removed to treat their cancer. These men are infertile and won’t be able to father children.
The prostate and testicular cancers treatments can affect testosterone hormone levels and can also affect your ability to have children after treatment.
Before undergoing any cancer treatment, you can save your fertility by opting for sperm freezing. The sperm will stay frozen -even for many years- until when you are ready to have a child in future. Men may store their sperm from natural ejaculate, TESA or MicroTESE, even if they have reduced sperm parameters.