Myths about the male reproductive health - Fakih Fertility Center
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  • Myths about the male reproductive health

    Monday, November 28, 2022

    During the month of November, you may see many of those around you growing out beards and mustaches in support of “Movember”.
    November is a time to raise awareness for men’s health, and the prevention, screening, and treatment of some issues that impact men health. Movember focuses on 3 health issues facing men which are:
    – Prostate cancer.
    -Testicular cancer.
    – Mental health.
    At a time when male fertility is on the downswing, reproductive health cannot be ignored any longer. Male Infertility is a condition that many men and it is purely a medical condition just like any other medical condition.
    Here are some myths regarding male reproductive health.

    Myth 1-Infertility has nothing to do with males and is female-specific
    Fact:This is one of the commonest misconceptions which exists in our society where people believe that infertility which is related to reproductive health is only related to females and not at all related to men. We have to understand that it is not gender-specific and equally affects both men and women. As per studies conducted so far, male reproductive health depends on the quality and quantity of sperm. Various other factors related to reproductive health are the male reproductive tract, hormonal imbalances etc.

    Myth 2-Male infertility is genetic
    Fact: Male infertility is not passed down genetically. However, there can be some hereditary conditions that may cause infertility. These conditions are chromosomal conditions that may affect sperm production like Klinefelter’s syndrome, Y chromosome deletions and other genetic problems, such as Down syndrome.

    Myth 3- Fertility isn’t linked to overall health
    Fact: Male infertility can be associated with significant underlying health issues. For example, infertile men are at higher risk for certain types of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Addressing male fertility is an opportunity for these men to assess not only their reproductive health, but also their overall health in general with an emphasis on preventative medicine

    Myth 4- Low sperm count makes men weak and incapable
    Fact: One should consult the fertility specialist to diagnose the root cause of infertility or low sperm count. Your doctor will guide you to come out with this situation and guide you to the best line of treatment. As per studies, men with low sperm count can have children if they get the right treatment at right time.

    Myth 5- Age is not a criterion when it comes to male infertility
    Fact: Quality of sperm decline with growing age which increases premature birth and miscarriage. As per studies, men cant have kids anytime they want. Fertility in males is more at a younger age.

    Myth 6- It’s possible to see how fertile a man is by looking at his semen
    Fact: It’s not possible, as sperm are visible only under a microscope. To assess sperm quality, the man will need to see a specialist for evaluation. Another misconception is that a man has normal fertility potential simply because an evaluation shows numerous moving sperm on a semen analysis. In fact, specialists often employ further tests to determine the fertility potential of what appear to be healthy sperm on a regular semen analysis.

    Myth 7- Male infertility is not affected by lifestyle
    Fact: Lifestyle habits play an important role in healthy male reproductive health. Improper or unhealthy lifestyle affects the quality of sperm. Men have better sperm production who have a BMI less than 25, whereas men who are obese and overweight have issues related with male infertility. Men should adopt good eating habits, regular exercises, and good healthy lifestyle habits in our daily routine to avoid such problems.

    Myth 8-Hot tubs and saunas affect fertility
    Fact: Actually, there is truth to this myth. Exposure to high temperatures, like in hot tubs, hot baths or saunas can cause the temperature of the testes to become too hot. This can kill sperm and lower sperm count. However, this effect is only temporary, and counts will go back to normal once the hot tub is avoided.