Ways To Boost Your Fertility - IVF OMAN - Fakih IVF OMAN
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  • Ways To Boost Your Fertility

    Tuesday, June 28, 2022

    June is World Infertility Awareness Month, an initiative whose aim is to publicise as widely as possible the essential information that we should all be aware of in order to be able to successfully plan our motherhood and fatherhood.

    The most common situation is that of couples who have been trying to have a child for more than a year without success. The degree of fertility of each person is individual and conditions the ability to achieve pregnancy.
    You and your partner can boost your fertility by following some steps.

    For women

    Get a medical check-up: It’s sensible to book an appointment with your doctor to have a check-up before you decide to try for a baby. General health can be linked to fertility health so do speak to your doctor if you have any general health conditions.

    Know Your Cycle: The best way to increase your odds of getting pregnant quickly is to make sure that you’re having sex at the right time in your cycle. If you have regular cycles, you will ovulate around two weeks before your period. This means your fertile window will be the seven days before your expected ovulation.  If you have irregular cycles, it can be a little more difficult to predict when you will ovulate and when your fertile window will be.
    There are a number of techniques that you can use to more precisely pinpoint your ovulation and fertile window, such as ovulation predictor kit and you can also note daily changes in your basal body temperature.

    Try Some Multivitamin: If you think you’re not getting enough nutrients from your everyday diet, opting for some multivitamins is a good idea. Being persistent in taking your fertility and ovulation supplements can significantly improve your fertility and ovulation.  One of the most important vitamins for women who are trying to get pregnant is folate, so you can start taking it once you start planning your pregnancy, but try to include other vitamins and minerals as well to make sure you’re getting all the necessary nutrients.

    For Men

    Keep Tabs on Your Health: Many men, especially younger ones, still don’t routinely go to the doctor. But there’s a big connection between your overall health and your reproductive health, so making time for a quick health check can go a long way for your fertility. Your doctor can help you make any changes you might need to be your healthiest. And keep in your mind that good diet, regular exercise, a healthy body weight, better sleep patterns, less stress, all those things affect on semen quality.

    Watch Your Testicle Temperature: The testicles are a few degrees cooler than the rest of the body, because that’s a better temperature for sperm production, so anything that warms them up can potentially be an issue, so stay away from the sauna, hot soak in the bath, put a laptop on your lap.

    Studies have found that exposure to wet heat can lower your sperm count. And it takes your body 2-3 months to make new, mature sperm.

     Avoid certain prescription medications: Some prescription medicines and medicines you buy from a pharmacy can also affect male fertility. For example, some chemotherapy medicines can affect fertility, either temporarily or permanently. Long-term use of some antibiotics can also affect both sperm quality and quantity. But these effects are usually reversed 3 months after stopping the medicine.


    Maintain a healthy weight: Ensuring that you’re not underweight or overweight will keep your reproductive cycle in balance. Check your BMI (body mass index) score, anything above the range should be discussed with your health care provider.

    Quit smoking: You should both ditch this habit for the sake of your health, your fertility and a healthy baby. Smoking makes you prone to ectopic pregnancies (when an embryo implants somewhere other than the uterus, such as in one of the fallopian tubes), lowers the number and quality of sperm and is linked to an increased risk of miscarriage.

    Manage stress: Trying to get pregnant can be stressful. Do your best to manage and reduce tension and anxiety. Try relaxation techniques like meditation, acupuncture or yoga.

    Steer Clear of Pesticides: Many pesticides and herbicides decrease male fertility (lower sperm count and quality) and may affect female fertility by inhibiting ovarian function and disrupting the menstrual cycle.

    Get active: Exercise has many benefits for your health, including increased fertility. Increasing moderate physical activity has positive effectsTrusted Source on fertility for women and men, especially those with obesity.