What Can You Do To Improve Your Fertility In Winter? - Fakih Fertility Center
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  • What Can You Do To Improve Your Fertility In Winter?

    Tuesday, January 17, 2023

    It’s been pretty cold out, that means there is a lot of staying in and hopefully relaxation. That could be a good thing for couples who are trying to conceive. So what are some things that couples can do to optimize their fertility and make the most of winter months?

    Here are tips to improve your fertility throughout the winter season.

    Follow Germ-Avoiding Habits
    If you’re trying to boost fertility, avoiding illness is essential. This means that you should make an extra effort to stay hygienic during the winter. Start by washing your hands as often as possible, and make sure to cough and sneeze into your elbow to avoid the further spread of germs. Furthermore, try to make a conscious effort to avoid touching your face, since germs can be easily transmitted and ingested through this type of contact.

    Continue to be mindful of your diet
    Not only does a healthy and nutritious diet help your fertility, it also boosts your immunity which might prevent the common cold or help a faster recovery once you are down with it. While we watch what we eat the entire year, the food that we eat during the winter might be a little more “dangerous” from a health and fertility standpoint.  All the heavy dishes, that we eat to keep warm have more calories and carbs. We can also tend to be more sedentary in the winter so maybe we’re not exercising as much, which can make those calorie- and carb-laden foods even more dangerous.
    A balanced diet with 5 servings of fruits and vegetables can help prevent a host of diseases, it can help improve your immunity and assist with recovery from the flu much faster if you have got it.

    Take Your Vitamins
    Taking folic acid can drastically reduce the chances of spina bifida, among other disorders, in you and your future child, plus may help with energy levels and make pregnancy easier overall.  Ask you fertility health care providers to go over your daily doses from supplements or medications and make sure you are on a right fertility plan.

    Get a Flu Shot
    Getting the flu shot boosts your body’s immunity and can help keep you healthy. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor if your medical condition allows to take it.

    Stress Reduction
    Take some time to think about some other habits that make you feel relaxed. Try to incorporate these activities into your daily or weekly routine. Sign up for a yoga class, read some books about pregnancy, or call up a friend. Taking the time to engage in these habits can help to keep your stress level down and boost your chances of conception all season long.

     Stay Warm
    Cold contracts the body and isn’t an optimal environment for an embryo to implant and a baby to grow. That’s why in the second half of your cycle, your temperature rises with progesterone and naturally warms your womb in preparation for implantation.
    Stay warm by wearing extra layers, take Epsom salt baths and improve your circulation. Leave salads and cold drinks for the summertime and choose hearty warming food for the winter. Soups, roasted food and warm drinks are all good for you right now.

    Do Less To Do More
    If you want to balance your hormones, then say no to extra tasks at work, scale down your to-do list at home and take time out for self-care. 
    Choose rejuvenating exercises and don’t overexert yourself. Things like yoga is perfect for winter. Follow natural rhythms, eat earlier and go to bed earlier.

    Visit a fertility specialist
    You may have been putting off seeing a doctor for your fertility for a number of reasons, whether it’s fear of a diagnosis, financial concerns, or simply time. However, if you’re 35 or older and have been trying to get pregnant for six months or more, it’s time to consult with a specialist. There may be simple changes you can make to help achieve conception. Your fertility doctor will develop the right treatment plan for you based on your specific medical issues. Fertility specialists can look at ovarian function and health, uterine health, whether the fallopian tubes are healthy, and if your thyroid and hormone levels area strong enough to get pregnant and carry a healthy baby to term.